I'm a Cybils judge this year!

I've got big news, everyone:

For 2021, I'll be a Round 2 Judge for Elementary/Middle Grade Nonfiction for the Cybils Awards!

Now, many of you know what that means, but if you don't, let me explain. The Cybils Awards are a set of kidlit book awards run primarily by other book bloggers! Publishers and the general public nominate books in October, Round 1 Panelists read the nominated books and create a shortlist of finalists for each category, and Round 2 Judges (like me) read the finalists and choose winners for their categories by February.

I've seen many other book bloggers serve as Cybils panelists and judges throughout the years, and even this year, there's many familiar faces I've seen announced (who I will now shout out): Kim Aippersbach, Vidya Tiru, Beth Mitcham (now a category chair!), Helen Murdoch, Cheriee Weichel, Linda Baie, Alex Baugh, Beth Schmelzer, Stacy Mozer, and Andrea Mack! Helen Murdoch gave me a push in my comment section to apply for the Cybils, and I'm glad I did—I'm extremely excited to be joining these bloggers' ranks and giving back to the kidlit blogging community.

I encourage you all to make sure to nominate your favorite books published in the last year for the Cybils—nominations are from October 1 to October 15, and you can learn the details on the Cybils website. If you end up nominating any elementary/middle grade nonfiction and it makes it through Round 1, I look forward to reading it when the time comes—and in general, I am honored to be working with the Cybils and highlighting the books that deserve special recognition!


  1. Wahoooo! I am so excited that you went for it and are a round 2 judge this year. You are really going to enjoy it and nonfiction is a super interesting category. I am doing round 2 for graphic novels and am really looking forward to it. Welcome to the CYBILS world!

  2. Congratulations. It should be a lot of fun for you. I'll be interested to hear how you like it.

  3. Wow, that is so cool!! What amazing news! I'm so happy for you - you will do a great job! I always read each year about Helen's experiences, and it sounds like a lot of fun - enjoy!


    Book By Book

  4. I met a few of my new blogger friends who often post on Always in the Middle by being a Round 2 Judge for MG fiction a few years ago. My fav category! Can’t wit to read the nominees!


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