MMGM (12/26/2016): Howard Wallace, P.I. by Casey Lyall

Update (August 11, 2021): I have removed a section at the beginning of this post. Before the recommendation, I would like to show you just how many books I have gotten over the holidays (about 14.8125 inches tall): (Caption: 😄😄😄!!!) Finally, for MMGM, I am recommending Howard Wallace, P.I. by Casey Lyall. Here's the publisher's description: “What’s with the get-up? Is that the company uniform or something?” “This? All P.I.s wear a trench coat.” “Dude, that’s a brown bathrobe.” I shrugged and straightened out my sleeves. “First rule of private investigation, Ivy: work with what you’ve got.” Twelve-year-old Howard Wallace lives by his list of rules of private investigation. He knows more than anyone how to work with what he’s got: a bathrobe for a trench coat, a makeshift office behind the school equipment shed, and not much else—least of all, friends. So when a hot case of blackmail lands on his desk, he’s ready to take it on himself ....